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How prepared are workers’ compensation systems for COVID-19?

Workers' Compensation Perspectives

Regardless of the workers’ compensation model (private insurance, competitive state fund, exclusive state fund), every insurer has to prepare for the unexpected. Afterall, insurance is the transfers the financial risk of rare but costly events from the insured to the insurer. Source: 1918 Annual report ibid.,

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Issue Commentary: NY Decision Shows That Not All “Misrepresentations” Are Sufficient to Warrant Disqualification from Future Benefits

The Workcomp Writer

Stressing that it was not the role of the appellate court to second-guess the Board’s resolution of factual and credibility issues, a New York appellate court affirmed a decision by the state’s Workers’ Compensation Board that found a workers’ compensation claimant had not violated N.Y. Workers’ Comp. Workers’ Comp.

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Issue Commentary: Compensability of Injuries Sustained as a Result of Inoculations

The Workcomp Writer

Background Rolsen sought workers’ compensation benefits after he suffered an adverse reaction to a pneumonia vaccination that he received while he was on duty as a manager at his employer’s Walgreens retail store. Elephant in the Room The appellate court stressed that Rolsen was ignoring “the elephant in the room.” It examined E.I.