Wed.Sep 25, 2024

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Data is the key to figuring out whether an RTO strategy will be effective

Employee Benefit News

More employers, such as Amazon, are abandoning hybrid models, but it could hurt them in the long run without the right insights.

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Using Spousal Surcharges and Carve-Outs as Health Cost Management Strategies

International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans

With open enrollment right around the corner, employers are already contemplating strategies to help lower their health plan costs. Spousal surcharges or carve-outs are two options, but how prevalent are they? Surcharge vs. Carve-Out A spousal surcharge is an additional employee contribution […] The post Using Spousal Surcharges and Carve-Outs as Health Cost Management Strategies appeared first on Word on Benefits.

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What's a good 401(k) employer match?

Employee Benefit News

Most companies that offer to match employees' 401(k) contributions offer a match of between 3.00% and 4.99% of their employee's pay.

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Sally Benton: Employers can offer a lot of support to employees with addictions

Employee Benefits

Addiction is a serious mental illness that has a devastating impact on people’s lives. Everybody knows somebody impacted by addiction, at home, in families, or work. This is why it is important that employers start to consider employees who may be impacted. Statistics from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) in December 2023 estimated that approximately 3.1 million people reported using a drug in the last 12 months, 2.5 million people reported using cannabis and around 1.1 million people re

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Testing Innovations in Cancer: How to evaluate and use new technologies

Amidst rising cancer prevalence and soaring costs, new cancer technologies and innovations are emerging to support the early detection, treatment, and surveillance of cancer. Read this guide to understand how to evaluate these solutions for your employees and members – and to learn more about the current state of coverage, clinical and cost effectiveness, and impact on quality and outcomes.

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Four steps to easing back-to-school financial anxiety

Employee Benefit News

Mounting pressure to manage the competing demands of school-related expenses and ensuring a family's long-term financial stability can lead to stress and anxiety.

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20 best private companies of 2024

Employee Benefit News

EBN narrowed down U.S. News & World Report's list of the best private employers to highlight the real standouts.

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The future of procurement: navigating a digital and strategic evolution

Workplace Insight

In recent years, procurement has transformed from a back-office function to a strategic driver of business value. As global supply chains become more complex and businesses strive for greater efficiency, sustainability, and agility, the future of procurement is set to change even more dramatically. Technological innovations, data-driven insights, and a shift in priorities are reshaping the way organizations manage their sourcing, purchasing, and supplier relationships.

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Creating benefits that care for the whole employee

Employee Benefit News

An expert from Cigna Healthcare explains why, along with individualized offerings, budget and communication plans are vital to benefits' success.

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Vicky Lomas: How employers can support employees with addictions

Employee Benefits

It might not always be obvious when an employee is struggling with challenges with drugs or alcohol. Employers may feel uncomfortable, or unsure of what to say or do, but it is important to know that they can help them. Before having a conversation with them, employers should prepare and speak to their HR team. They should look at what support their organisation might provide, such as an employee assistance programme or occupational health support.

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Recognition Powers High-Performance — If You Do it Right

Speaker: Debra Squyres

Employee recognition has often been deemed a "feel-good" initiative, tied closely to rewards. While we understand its importance, we tend to associate recognition with intangible outcomes like engagement and sentiment, rather than direct impacts on retention and high performance. In today’s workplace, the true ROI of recognition lies in its ability to regenerate tangible, business-driven results.

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Four steps to easing back-to-school financial anxiety

Employee Benefit News

Mounting pressure to manage the competing demands of school-related expenses and ensuring a family's long-term financial stability can lead to stress and anxiety.

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TBS Engineering introduces health insurance for staff

Employee Benefits

Global engineering firm TBS Engineering has enhanced its benefits package to include health insurance for all employees. TBS Engineering’s more than 120 employees will be able to access to a 24/7 GP service, health advice line, physiotherapy sessions, and private diagnosis and treatment provided by Equipsme. The aim of introducing this support was to provide quality health insurance at cost-effective prices, while also responding to a demand for health benefits amid long NHS waiting lists.

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Research shows Ozempic reduced the risk of opioid overdose

Employee Benefit News

People with a history of opioid abuse who took Novo Nordisk A/S's Ozempic were less likely to overdose.

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39% of British employees regret not saving into a pension

Employee Benefits

Almost two-fifths (39%) of British employees regret not saving into a pension , according to research by Shepherds Friendly. The financial services firm’s survey of 2,000 Brits on their knowledge of individual savings accounts (Isas), life insurance and general personal finance, also found that 38% of respondents regretted not saving enough into their pension.

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Why Every Small Business Needs an HCM Solution: A Comprehensive Guide

Managing HR tasks like payroll, compliance, and employee data can overwhelm small businesses. That’s where a Human Capital Management (HCM) solution comes in. Our eBook, Why Every Small Business Needs an HCM Solution: A Comprehensive Guide , shows how an HCM system automates tedious processes, ensuring your business stays compliant and efficient. You’ll learn how to simplify payroll, eliminate costly errors, and empower your employees with self-service tools.

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The Employee Healthcare Crisis: This is How To Help

Best Money Moves

Employees Face a Healthcare Crisis. Here’s How You Can Help. Employees are experiencing a healthcare crisis due to financial concerns. These are the best strategies employers can use to help. American families are in the midst of a healthcare crisis and employer-sponsored health insurance can’t keep up. Even with support from employee health insurance programs, millions of American families cannot afford the full care they need.

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Banyan Software introduces employee relief fund

Employee Benefits

Enterprise software firm Banyan Software has introduced an employee relief fund to its benefits package for employees who are going through extreme hardship. An employee is eligible for the fund if their primary residence is destroyed or unlivable due to a natural disaster, fire, or flood, and no alternative housing is available, if they or an immediate family member suffers from an extended illness, and they miss work without paid time off, or if they need to relocate due to an unsafe or uninha

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How to Effectively Communicate Life Insurance Benefits to Your Employees

Winston Benefits

Life insurance can protect an employee and their family long-term. Yet, many Americans still don’t have vital coverage, with 52% citing cost as the reason for delaying getting life insurance. As a result, more companies have started including these benefits in their packages to help fill employee gaps and grant peace of mind. Since September … Continue reading "How to Effectively Communicate Life Insurance Benefits to Your Employees" The post How to Effectively Communicate Life Insurance B

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Upward mobility: Unlocking career advancement opportunities

Business Management Daily

Is it relatively easy for your employees to move up your organization? If the answer is yes, then your company has strong upward mobility , which refers to the frequency at which a person improves their socioeconomic status. Specifically, this most commonly refers to employers’ career development opportunities. After all, the #1 way for someone to improve their standard of life is to either: Receive a promotion at work Land a higher-paying job at another organization Both will allow them t

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Grow Big, Pay Smart: How To Unlock Efficiency In Payroll Management

Speaker: Joe Sharpe and James Carlson

Running a small business is no small feat. Payroll management, in particular, can be one of the most time-consuming and complex parts of that equation. Yet, businesses that crack the code on streamlining these processes often discover not just savings, but new avenues for growth. Our expert speakers will share actionable insights and real-world examples of how businesses have reduced overhead and improved payroll efficiency.

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Employee Engagement Awards: Types, Examples & Best Practices That Actually Works


Keeping employees engaged is essential for any successful business. Companies that recognize and reward their teams for hard work create an environment where employees feel truly appreciated. In fact, organizations that focus on employee engagement often see a sharp rise in productivity, with research showing up to 21% higher profitability compared to those that don’t.

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Labor Shortage Projections Point to Dramatic Workforce Changes by 2032

HR Digest

Labor shortage projections by Lightcast ‘s new Rising Storm report suggest that in the coming years, the U.S. could see the biggest shortage of human resources the country has ever seen. The looming U.S. labor shortage is expected to affect both public and private entities and create a deficit of 6 million workers by 2032. Such a large deficit will cause organizations across industries to suffer significant losses with no way to fill in the gaps in their workforce and productivity.

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How To Build Employee Confidence At Work


Confidence building at work requires support, recognition, and trust from employers. Learn how to build confidence in employees for innovation and engagement. The post How To Build Employee Confidence At Work appeared first on Wellable.

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Total Compensation Report Template: A Data-Driven Tool for HR


A total compensation report template is a valuable asset for HR departments, providing a comprehensive overview of an employee’s compensation package. By accurately capturing salary, benefits, and other relevant compensation components, this template offers insights into employee compensation costs and helps organizations make informed decisions regarding compensation strategies.

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Plant the Seed for Successful Onboarding!

Our Free Welcome Email Templates (designed for both in-office or virtual employees) are ready for you to customize and use to plant the seeds of success for new team members.

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Essential fleet tire management tips for optimized performance and safety

WEX Inc.

With 15.6 million vehicles sold in the United States in 2023, the health of the tire market is critical to the fleet transportation economy. The value of the tire market alone is expected to experience a 6.50% compound annual growth rate (CAGR), with the commercial fleet segment expected to have the highest CAGR. Tire management is important for your trucking business and for protecting your bottom line.

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3 Email Templates for Health Insurance Explainers

Flimp Communications

As an HR professional, you deal with the consequences of health insurance illiteracy every day: Employees make poor choices based on incomplete knowledge or false assumptions, increasing frustration and driving up costs for your entire organization. You and your colleagues are inundated with constant questions and confusion, repeatedly asked to explain the same basic concepts.

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How to support employees with addictions

Employee Benefits

Some signs of addiction to look out for include changes in appearance or behaviour, and an increase in lateness or absence. Signposting to external resources and confidential counselling services should be offered as forms of support. Early intervention can lead to better outcomes for both the employee and the organisation. The subject of addiction can be tricky to navigate in general, but needs to be treated sensitively and carefully if it arises in the workplace.

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Ann Frances Cooney: Potential impact of the draft Equality (Race and Disability) Bill

Employee Benefits

The draft Equality (Race and Disability) Bill was announced in the King’s Speech in July. The new Labour government confirmed that the draft bill delivers its manifesto commitments to enshrine in law the full right to equal pay for ethnic minorities and disabled people, and to introduce mandatory and disability pay reporting for larger employers with more than 250 employees.

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Engage, Empower, Excel: Transforming Performance in the New Era of Work

Speaker: Radhika Samant and Adri Glover

The world of work has fundamentally changed. The series of waves that the pandemic began have rippled through the Great Resignation, quiet quitting, the Great Regret, and other eloquent phrases that boil down to the same thing: people aren’t engaged at work or enabled to perform at their best. The truth is that engagement and enablement is more important than ever, but how we do it is the critical differentiator for many organizations.